Monday 11 April 2011

April 11th - Bitterness Subsiding..?

So, after 9 months of unpaid work, after 20 grad scheme applications, after 30+ job applications, after many nights crying into my pillow (not strictly true)... TWO JOBS COME IN ONE WEEK?!?!

I should be happy, in fact I am happy, but seriously, two in one week just makes me want to get some sort of large fish, possibly a trout, and smack the world in it's hypothetical face. It's not fair, why couldn't one of them come 6 months ago? It also appears that as an annoying consequence of my double-success, anyone who I tell the story to immediately thinks the phrase 'well it's like buses, two come at once' will put my frustration at ease. But it doesn't. After all, when have you ever seen someone who's waited for half an hour at a bus stop only to see two buses pulling up after eachother, laugh and say 'oh what a lot of fun'?
Well anyway, I have a job which is rather great. We'll have to see if the bitterness will carry on. But in the meantime, I have a month to prepare/do nothing so if you need me, I'll be out in the garden basking in the April sunshine, possibly drinking a strong cocktail

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